Intellectual Property Rights Office IP Rights Office IPRO

Copyright Registration Service

Affiliate program

Copyright Registration Service Affiliate Program

Retrieve Your Login Details

If you cannot remember your login details please follow the following steps:

  1. Have you only just signed up? If so, check your inbox for the welcome email which confirms your login details.
  2. Have you already set up affiliate links on your website? If so, click the link and see what appears at the end of it: that is your username.
  3. If you do not have access to any examples of your affiliate links please make your best guess at your login details in the boxes below. Our system will tell you if they are right or not, and if not it will help you retrieve the correct details. Alternatively, you can have your username and password emailed to your account by scrolling down and entering the email address on your affiliate account.

Try Again

If you think you may have entered your username incorrectly, you can try again below. Don't forget that you can find your username at the end of the URL which your affiliate links point to.


Retrieve Your Login Details

Email address: